When it comes to health issues that require hospitalisation for diagnostic, therapeutic procedure, close monitoring and care during treatment and recovery period, you won’t find any services better than Benz's unparalleled Inpatient Services with one of the most expansive and sophisticated setup in the country. Infants, children, parents and women who come to us seeking super-specialty care find themselves cared and reassured in the most comprehensive manner under our wide range general and intensive care units and super sub-specialties.
Neonatal ICU
Benz's 35 bedded tertiary care unit in neonatal care is the largest setup in India. Apart from doctors specialised in neonatal care, the nursing staff at Benz’s NICU unit are trained specifically for the job. From saving the smallest neonate to the sickest baby, Benz’s committed staff has earned many credentials along the way, and continues to set new benchmarks when it comes to ensuring survival of extremely premature babies.
For children who require hospitalisation for serious health issues, Benz NICU is equipped with advanced infrastructure and expert doctors, surgeons and support staff in Pediatric care that are highly experienced and efficient in handling a range of health crisis from pneumonia and respiratory failure to status epilepticus, status asthmaticus and many more.
Children and new born requiring surgical procedures for correction and treatment of various congenital anomalies, and injuries resulting from accidental trauma, Benz Hospital Surgery ward offers the best in class advanced and hygienic, operative and post-operative care.
Pediatric Nephrology
Benz's Peadiatric Nephrology centre treats children with kidney related problems such as acute renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, hematuria, proteinuria, urinary tract infection, caliuria, electrolytes and acid base disturbances etc.
Benz gastroenterology is renowned for successfully treating a wide range of complex conditions in such as intussusception, hydrocele, ingenial hernia, imperforate anus, abdominal wall defects, small and large bowel stenosis and atresias and many other indications.
Cardiology at Surya is a dedicated super-specialty for infants and children suffering from heart conditions such as congenital heart disease, valve dysfunctions, cardiac arrhythmia, atrial septal defects (ASD), Ventricular Septal Defects (VSD). Many of these patients require hospitalisation, intensive care and/or surgical procedures and receive utmost care under our Pediatric cardiologists, surgeons and nursing staff.
For health issues in children that are related to diseases affecting the nervous system, Benz Neurology offers a comprehensive evaluation & treatment to patients, and also facilitates follow up care post discharge along with home care guidelines to parents.
Haematology & Immunology
Children with blood related disorders who require day procedures, transfusion, infusion or chemotherapy, Benz Hospital Hematology is equipped with all necessary provisions, specialists and support personnel to meet any requirement.
Most of the childhood cancers if detected in time and treated ade-quately are highly curable
Leukemias and Lymphomas are the commonest cancers in children fol-lowed by brain tumours and others like bone tumours, soft tissue sar-comas, retinoblastoma, Wilms tumour, Neuroblastoma etc.
Laparoscopic Surgery
General Pediatrics
Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Growth & Development
Foetal Medicine
Gynaec Laparoscopic Surgery
Occupational Therapy
Ent Surgery
General Surgery
Neuro Surgery
Physio Therapy
Speech Therapy
Radiology & Pathology
Orthopedic Surgery