In India about 60% of heart patients are found in comparison to the total population of heart disease patients in the world. Heart attack is known as Myocardial infarction or acute coronary syndrome in medical terms. Heart attack is caused due to blockage in the coronary artery. A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked. The blockage is most often a build-up of fat, cholesterol and other substances, which form a plaque in the arteries that feed the heart (coronary arteries). The plague eventually breaks away and forms a clot. The interrupted blood flow can damage or destroy part of the heart muscle.
A heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction, can be fatal, but treatment has improved dramatically over the years.
Important Symptoms of heart attack
Let’s learn about the symptoms of heart attack:
· Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching (Angina pectoris) sensation in the center of the chest or left arms that may spread to your neck, jaw, or back.
· Nausea, indigestion, heartburn, or abdominal pain
· Fatigue
· Light-headedness or sudden dizziness
· Cold sweat, an overwhelming sense of anxiety (similar to having a panic attack).
· Shortness of breath
It’s recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible when the patient is showing such symptoms. Many people have warning signs and symptoms hours, days or weeks in advance. Maximum of heart attack deaths occur within an hour. With the immediate treatment we can repair the damaging artery.
How to prevent heart attack
It’s never too late to take steps to prevent a heart attack – even if you’ve already had one. Here are ways to prevent a heart attack.
· Lifestyle changes are necessary in order to keep your heart healthy.
· Maintain a healthy diet by reducing oily food in your daily diet.
· Maintain a healthy weight with a heart-healthy diet, don’t smoke, exercise regularly, manage stress, and control conditions that can lead to heart attacks, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
· To keep heart disease from getting worse and to head off another heart attack, follow your doctor’s advice.